On Feb 29, 2012, at 10:28 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:

> But that would require a lot of
> extra code space, which is not "lite".

There is a fine line between being parsimonious and cutting corners. 

For example, one can define a named unique key constraint:

    constraint  header_uk unique( name ),

This will result in SQLite automagically creating an unique index to support 
the constraint. What's the name of that index? No one knows for sure, as it's 
automatically generated (e.g. sqlite_autoindex_header_1 or something) instead 
of simply using the provided name of the constraint.

This might not have mattered much in the past as one couldn't refer to indexes 
by name.

But now  SQLite provides the INDEXED BY phrase [1]. Where one can refer to 
indexes by name. Index names one has no ideas about, as SQLite took it upon 
itself to randomly generate a totally unrelated name.


It's my opinion that SQLite does itself a disservice by systematically ignoring 
all the meta information  painstakingly provided in the DDL in the first place.

Just my 2¢.

[1] http://www.sqlite.org/lang_indexedby.html
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