On 2 Mar 2012, at 6:55pm, "Rose, John B" <jbr...@utk.edu> wrote:

> Thanks for the very thorough reply.
>> Android is a red herring in this and your approach is not a good one.  How
>> would you do this using two different regular computers?  How would you
>> deal with changes being made on both machines at the same time?  How would
>> you copy databases ensuring you picked up the journals
> In this particular example, a particular researcher would be creating the
> initial version of the database on their own computer, but once they got out
> in the field they may update the copy they have on their mobile device and
> take that copy back to replace the original on their desktop.

So once again, how would you answer Roger's question ?  Suppose changes were 
made on both computers at the same time.  How would you reconcile the two 
copies of the databases ?  If you want to use the copy from the computer to 
/update/ the copy in the mobile device then the mobile device needs access to 
/both/ copies of the database when it's doing the updating, so it can see 
what's new.  So you really have not one database but two databases.

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