On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 15:02, Igor Tandetnik <itandet...@mvps.org>
> Benoit Mortgat <mort...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> * Generate N, random, row numbers between 1 and (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
>>   the_table_name). Maybe using remainder operator % and builtin ABS()
>>   and RANDOM() functions can help (see below) * SELECT FROM the_table
>> WHERE rowid IN (those random numbers)
> That is not equivalent. First, duplicate random numbers may be
> generated. Second, rowid values are not necessarily sequential. Thus,
> you may end up with fewer than N rows.

Oh, I assumed rowids were sequential. If that's not the case, then
you're right and my query is bad. Thanks for pointing that out.

> You can implement this algorithm in your application's code, if you
> are so inclined.

Still, what I told is that I use that query only to get a random sample
for displaying. I do that from inside the SQLite shell, for
vizualization purposes, and as soon as I get approximately N results,
this is satisfactory to me. I am not integrating anything into an

Benoit Mortgat
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