Juan Perez wrote:
Hi all:

   I'm using SQLite amalgamation in various exe files with Visual Studio
   In debug mode the exe files are very slow and have high CPU usage.
   In release the problem dissapears.
   Is there some option in SQLite to avoid this problem?

You can change optimization settings in the DEBUG build to be more like the ones used in RELEASE, and this can be done on a per .obj basis. Unless you are trying to step into the SQLite code and see sensible ("correct") values of variables, this will not impede your ability to debug your own code that makes calls into SQLite from other compilation units. You will probably want to #define NDEBUG for the SQLite amalgamation compile.

You may also have to get use to the idea that debug builds are slower. Even if code generation optimizations occur, the memory allocator used in the debug version of the C runtime will be slower, and assertions are in much of its code.

Thank you very much in advance.
You're welcome
Larry Brasfield
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