
My query wont use the R-Tree index if I provide an ORDER BY clause and performance degrades considerably. Obviously I can work around with by making the R-Tree query a subquery and sorting the results, but would like to know why this is necessary? I've done an VACUUM and ANALYZE.

Is this expected behavior?  I haven't found any mention of it in the docs.

The schema is akin to the following:

    id          INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
    cal_id      INTEGER NOT NULL, -- This is a FK, ~75 possible values
    begins      TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, -- unix epoch
    ends        TIMESTAMP NOT NULL -- unix epoch

INSERT INTO events VALUES (null, 123, 1356624000, 1356634800);
INSERT INTO events VALUES (null, 12452, 1356624000, 1356634800);
INSERT INTO events VALUES (null, 34653, 1356624000, 1356634800);
INSERT INTO events VALUES (null, 89287, 1356624000, 1356634800);
-- 55000 rows in events for testing, production will have 500k-1m rows

CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE events_idx USING rtree(id, begins, ends);
INSERT INTO events_idx (id,begins,ends) SELECT id,begins,ends FROM events;

-- Query A, runtime is 300ms+, 8ms without the ORDER BY
FROM                events_idx AS ei
INNER JOIN          events AS e ON e.id = ei.id
WHERE               ei.begins < 1356753600
AND                 ei.ends > 1356624000
AND                 e.cal_id IN (123,12452,567,1234,34653,4249,89287)
ORDER BY            e.begins, e.ends - e.begins;

-- Query B, runtime is ~8ms
  FROM                events_idx AS ei
  INNER JOIN          events AS e ON e.id = ei.id
  WHERE               ei.begins < 1356753600
  AND                 ei.ends > 1356624000
  AND                 e.cal_id IN (123,12452,567,1234,34653,4249,89287)
) AS sub
ORDER BY            sub.begins, sub.ends - sub.begins;

Thank you for your time.

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