On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 07:38:11PM -0400, Richard Hipp wrote:
> It is easy enough for use to just put a patch in the code to fix this.  But
> we would rather understand what is happening first.  Can you recreate the
> problem?  Can you give us any clues what you are doing in order to make
> this happen?

Please see my email "Segfault with FTS and tokenize=icu", it's from 2010
but this seems to be the same scenario. Then steps to reproduce were:

CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE f USING fts3 (t TEXT, tokenize=icu);
insert into f (docid) values (1);
insert into f (docid) values (2);
insert into f (docid) values (3);
insert into f (docid) values (4);
update f set t = 'test' where docid = 3;

Damian Pietras

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