Hit Send inadvertandly, sorry.

My rowid isn't increasing with something predictable, so I can't do
something like WHERE rowid % n = 0.  I can use WHERE random() % n = 0
giving me sort of what I want (better than row % n, but I still need
something better).

If your sampling is essentially regular, why not make it

select ... where timestamp % N between min_interval and max_interval

N being the typical time delta of your n rows above and interval bounds reducing the possiblity of gross under- and over-sampling. May need adjustment but the query should run faster than full table load.

Let's assume your timestamps are unix epoch and your device samples on an average 1-second basis (delays in processing could cause two samples with the same timestamp or no sample with a given epoch). You're certain that there is always at least one sample between seconds (say) 8 and 11 of every hour. You want only one sample every hour, taken randomly(*) between seconds 8 and 11.

select sample from from mytable where timestamp % 86400 between 8 and 11 group by timestamp / 86400;

(*) SQL[ite] doesn't give you a chance to specify which row will represent each group, hence the randomly in 8..11

Would that do what you want?

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