Well yes I agree the stored format isn't ideal, but unfortunately I have no
control over that.   These are hard drive serial numbers and that is the
format that Microsoft WMI spits them out in.   It's possible that the
Spiceworks application could be modified to decode those hex strings it
gets back from WMI before it saves it in the database, but again, that
isn't in my control either. :(

It's disappointing there isn't a simple "unhex()" function to do the
reverse of the already existing function.   That would be a very elegant
solution to this issue, as I am so close.

I will investigate the dynamic extension thing tomorrow.  I don't have any
experience with that, so I'm not sure if it would work but it's worth
looking into.

In the worst case scenario I could add PHP into the mix and open the SQLite
databases directly to do a query + host processing.   I just hate to break
out of the confines of the Spiceworks application and it's built in
reporting capabilities because I was hoping to share my finished report
back with their community as it would be very useful to a lot more folks.



On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 5:47 PM, Roger Binns <rog...@rogerbinns.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 18/04/12 14:39, Jim Sanders wrote:
> > I found that, but I need essentially the reverse of that.   The data
> > stored in SQL is 3061626364 and I need to convert it back to 0abcd
> > (from your example)
> The correct fix is to get them to stop storing strings that way :-)
> Strings can and should be stored as strings.
> You would need to register a user defined function with SQLite that takes
> the hex encoding and returns a string.  There is no other solution I can
> think of as you ruled out a 'host' language.
> It is possible to make dynamically loaded extensions that can provide the
> function although it will also require SQLite to have been called to
> enable them which is unlikely.
> If your final output can be html then you could output the field as is,
> and have some Javascript that finds them and converts to text.
> Roger
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