On 05/04/2012 11:21 PM, Paul Thomson wrote:
I am working on a tool that (among other things) can detect data
races, including file access races. I have detected a file race in
SQLite on the database file that appears to be real, although I am not
certain - I have no experience with SQLite. I compiled SQLite with:

I use a simple test case where two threads call opendb on the same
file, write into the same table and then close the database. The file
race appears to occur due to sqlite3PagerReadFileheader (as the
database is opened?) in one thread and pager_write_pagelist in the
other. It looks as though the page that was written was pgno 1. Can
any experts explain whether these two accesses are in fact
synchronised, or if the race is benign?

Is the issue that PagerReadFileheader() may be called to read the
file-header at the same time as the first page of the database
(which contains the file-header being read) is being written by the
second connection?

If so, it's a known issue. Immediately after opening a db file,
SQLite reads the first 100 bytes of it. Since it holds no locks
on the file at this point, some other process may be writing at
the same time. So the data read cannot be trusted.

SQLite knows this. The only field it uses from the file-header
read at this point is the page-size field (as in "PRAGMA page_size",
default 1024 bytes). Later on, when it actually accesses the database,
it obtains a SHARED lock and reads the first page of data from
the file - using the page-size garnered from the unsafe read made
of the file-header. Once the first page of the db is loaded, it takes
another look at the page-size field in the header (part of the first
page). If it turns out that the page-size is not as expected, it
throws away any data in the cache and tries to read the first page
again, this time hopefully with the correct page size.

So the call to sqlite4PagerReadFileheader() is just an optimization
that increases the chances that when the database is first read
SQLite will guess the correct page-size - and not have to load,
discard, and reload the first page of the db.

The proprietary zipvfs extension (implemented as a VFS layer that
intercepts all IO calls) always returns a buffer full of zeroes
when SQLite attempts the initial 100 byte read. And it seems to
work Ok.

The tool you're working on sounds pretty cool. Is it going to
be open-source?
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