On 5/11/2012 10:36 AM, Scott Ferrett wrote:
On 11/05/2012 16:00, Igor Tandetnik wrote:
A single row reported by sqlite3_step may contain data derived from
the contents of multiple rows of multiple tables. A rowid of which row
of which table do you hope to obtain?

All of them, including possibly multiple rowids for a single table when
the SELECT returning multiple rows from the same table in each step.

So, if I do "select sum(myCol) from myTable;", do you expect a function that returns a list of rowids from every row in myTable? SQlite does not maintain this information.

If this is not possible, I can restrict this bit of code to only work on
UPDATE statements.

Would an AFTER UPDATE trigger work for you?
Igor Tandetnik

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