Hello List!

I see unexpected behavior using sqlite3's .read command.

The basic problem is illustrated by the following test file:

   C:\>type test2.sql
   -- two errors, sqlite3 exits
   select count(*) from no_table_a;
   select count(*) from no_table_b;


Here's the result of running sqlite3 and .read-ing the test file:

   SQLite version 3.7.12 2012-05-14 01:41:23
   Enter ".help" for instructions
   Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
   sqlite> .read test2.sql
   Error: near line 2: no such table: no_table_a
   Error: near line 3: no such table: no_table_b


Notice that sqlite3 has exited rather than returning to the "sqlite>" prompt.

As far as I can tell this only happens when the file processed by .read
contains precisely two errors.

I am running SQLite version 3.7.12 2012-05-14 01:41:23 on 64-bit
windows 7.  My copy of sqlite3.exe came from


that I downloaded on 5/18/12.

Best regards.

K. Frank


Here are some more test files that illustrate the issue:

   -- one error, sqlite3 doesn't exit
   select count(*) from no_table_a;

   -- three errors, sqlite3 doesn't exit
   select count(*) from no_table_a;
   select count(*) from no_table_b;
   select count(*) from no_table_c;

   -- four errors, sqlite3 doesn't exit
   select count(*) from no_table_a;
   select count(*) from no_table_b;
   select count(*) from no_table_c;
   select count(*) from no_table_d;

   -- two errors, sqlite3 exits
   -- note, it seems to be two errors, not just two errors in a row
   select count(*) from sqlite_master;
   select count(*) from no_table_a;
   create table t1 (c1 int, c2 int);
   select count(*) from sqlite_master;
   select count(*) from no_table_b;

   -- two errors, sqlite3 exits
   -- note, sqlite3 only exits after processing the whole file
   select count(*) from no_table_a;
   select count(*) from no_table_b;
   select count(*) from sqlite_master;
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