On 11/06/2012 21:48, Larry Brasfield wrote:
> On June 11, rick wrote:
>> Something I noticed today:
>> sqlite> select * FROM words WHERE word = "id";
>> <nothing>
>> sqlite> select * FROM words WHERE word = 'id';
>> 13556|id
>> sqlite> .schema
>> CREATE TABLE words (
>>  id  integer primary key,
>>  word        varchar(64)
>> );
>> Yes, it can be explained: <http://www.sqlite.org/lang_keywords.html> says:
>> 'keyword'  A keyword in single quotes is a string literal.
>> "keyword"  A keyword in double-quotes is an identifier
>> So, "id" is interpreted as a column name, not as the string literal 'id',
>> unless the value in the double quotes is not an identifier (column name).
>> I think this is quite nasty behaviour. Hope it prevents someone making the
>> same mistake!
> You should take up the nastiness issue with the authors of the SQL-92 
> standard and its successors.  Supporting the convention you just noticed 
> is the least surprising behavior for those who have learned SQL as 
> defined, and hence is not generally regarded as a nasty feature.

Well, I'm not entirely a casual user, but I don't know the SQL-92 standard
or it's successors. I'm an engineer, and sqlite for me is a tool. Above
query was used a long time in a MySQL DB, where it works as (I) expected.

I just hope to warn others against naively using double quotes. Something,
by the way, that MySQL does as I expect, although probably not exactly
according to '(Second Informal Review Draft) ISO/IEC 9075:1992, Database
Language SQL- July 30, 1992'.

If it's so easy to make mistakes like this the standard could be considered
a poor one.

> Good luck.



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