
I have a table wth the following schema.

create virtual table patterns using fts4 (pattern text, id integer)

Now, repeating a "pattern" and "id" combination is an error to me. There
should be always one "pattern" to "id" combination. If this was not a
virtual table, I'd have solved the problem by creating a primary key on
both "pattern" and "id". But this trick is not working on FTS tables.

So to ensure the unique "pattern" to "id" combinations, I have to do
something like,

insert into patterns (pattern, id) select ?1, ?2 where not exists (select 1
from patterns where pattern match ?1 and id = ?2);

This is not efficient because this does a linear table scan on patterns
table. I couldn't find a way to use multiple match on a single statement.
Something like, pattern match ?1 and id match ?2. This was failing with
error " unable to use function MATCH in the requested context".

I am also concerned about the thread safety of this approach. is there a
possibility of getting two threads/processes execute the inner select at
the same time which will yield to duplicate rows? I am using latest sqlite
and all my queries are inside a transaction which was started by executing
"BEGIN". Each process/thread will be using separate connection to the

I am confused about how to solve this problem. Any help would be

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