On Tue, Jul 03, 2012 at 02:43:29PM +0200, Paul van Helden scratched on the wall:

> >   The statement "UPDATE table SET column=NULL" updates every row in the
> >   table.  The fact that some rows may already have a NULL in that
> >   column is not important.
> >
> > Well, it is important to me, the word "change" means before != after :-)

  You can argue about the naming of the _change() function all you
  want.  It is a non-standard extension and the function operates as
  documented.  If you want to call it poorly named, go ahead.  That
  doesn't change what it does.

  There is, however, little argument that the trigger is doing exactly
  what one would expect.  You are applying an update operation to every
  row, and the trigger is firing for every row.


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

"Intelligence is like underwear: it is important that you have it,
 but showing it to the wrong people has the tendency to make them
 feel uncomfortable." -- Angela Johnson
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