Folks, in the latest linux amalgamation download, I needed to add braces
surrounding some of the code in the find_home_dir function to be able to
ccompile without an error. The added braces are identified by the arrows.
The struct declaration cannot occur after a statement; thus the need for the


static char *find_home_dir(void){

  static char *home_dir = NULL;

  if( home_dir ) return home_dir;


#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__OS2__) &&
!defined(_WIN32_WCE) && !defined(__RTP__) && !defined(_WRS_KERNEL)

  {            ç

    struct passwd *pwent;

    uid_t uid = getuid();

    if( (pwent=getpwuid(uid)) != NULL) {

      home_dir = pwent->pw_dir;


  }            ç


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