Thanks. More RAM would clearly be helpful - but first I need a bigger
machine that can take it. For some reason - the "home" line of PC is
typically capped at 16GB or so. I'll Need more of a workstation to go
higher and experiment with the settings you suggested.

On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 8:35 PM, Keith Medcalf <> wrote:

> Windows is really atrociously bad at I/O.  Windows has the same basic
> model of how to perform I/O as a 6 year-old.  Scratch that, the six year
> old could probably understand I/O better than whoever wrote/designed the
> crap in Windows that passes for I/O routines.
> Anyway, make sure that you have all the fanciful magical features turned
> OFF (they make things slower, not faster).  That is all the various
> "SpeedBooster" crap and so forth that Microsoft crappifies their OS with to
> give that "gee wiz" wonderful warm and fuzzy feeling to the mass consumer
> market.
> Second, make sure you have turned off "Large System Cache".  Force Windows
> to forgo the magic, forgo the dreadful cache design, and do I/O properly.
> Disable "Magical Virtual Machine Resizing"-- set a fixed pagefile size --
> or better yet get sufficient RAM and disable swapping altogether -- it is
> pure bull droppings that you need a pagefile that is a percentage of RAM
> size.  If it works with 4GB of RAM and a 4GB swapfile, then it will work
> better with 8 GB of RAM and no pagefile.
> Then increase the IOPageLockLimit to something reasonable.
> And if your DASD driver supports it, enable block-level I/O optimization
> and/or caching.
> ---
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