On 7/23/2012 7:43 PM, Arbol One wrote:
Thank you Michael for your prompt response.
I have been able to duplicate the error message. I think this could be a bug
in SQLite3.
void jme::mySQLite3::createTable(const std::string& s) throw
(std::exception) {
     rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, s.c_str(), -1, &stmt, NULL);
     if(rc != SQLITE_OK) {
rc is a bool, not an int, you have a type coercion error here.

         std::string error("Error prepare_v2: ");
         error += sqlite3_errmsg(db);
         std::cout << "Error: " << rc << " " << error << std::endl;
     rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
There's a use after free error here (you don't return / throw after finalizing)
     std::cout << "Error: " << rc << std::endl;

     if(rc != SQLITE_DONE) {
And another type coercion error here. rc will never be equal to SQLITE_DONE.

And another use after free here, since the step will fail, you'll close it again. Of course, that assumes the step isn't going to crash in the first place.
         std::string error("error sqlite3_step: ");
         error += sqlite3_errmsg(db);
         std::cout << error << std::endl;

And another use after free here, same problem with the error handling.

You're committing one of the cardinal sins of C++. Let the compiler do all the work, don't do it yourself, you'll (generic you) screw it up. Wrap the DB and query in objects that handle the clean up for you.

Compile everything (except sqlite3.c itself) at the highest possible warning level treating warnings as errors. That would've caught the type error. It's one of the first things I set up with new projects.


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