*There are a number of devices that run Windows CE
That is the vortex in this issue.

The app is being developed on Win7. Using C++ and Gtkmm as the GUI toolkit,
the libraries used for manipulation and storage of data is 'home cooked',
with the exception of the SQLite3 library. From the inception of the
project, the development has always been with the intention of portability,
thus, it is assumed that if the device can run C/C++ applications it will be
able to run our application as well.

Going back to the question of the 'number of devices' that you mentioned...
where could I find a list of these number of devices? Does Microsoft has


-----Original Message-----
From: Mohit Sindhwani [mailto:m...@onghu.com] 
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 1:13 AM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Cc: Arbol One
Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLite support on windows

On 26/8/2012 12:30 PM, Arbol One wrote:
> I am glad someone asked this question, we are almost finish with a 
> small application that is best suited for a hand held device. Is there 
> a device anyone here could suggest?
> As I said, the application is very small and uses SQLite as its RDB. 
> The application resembles a questionnaire... fill in the blanks kind 
> of thing, the data collected goes in to the RDB and later on downloaded to
a pc.

What kind of device are you looking for?  A lot also depends on what
platform your application is built for, and what it needs.  Your current
description tends to suggest that it's rather well suited as an app for any
(or many) of the mobile phones.  There are a number of devices that run
Windows CE and you can compile SQLite3 with Visual Studio for those devices.

Best Regards,
26/8/2012 | 1:11 PM.

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