On 9/5/2012 9:53 PM, Yuriy Kaminskiy wrote:
Igor Tandetnik wrote:
On 9/5/2012 12:38 PM, E. Timothy Uy wrote:
I have a column in table 'alpha' which I would like to populate with data
from table 'beta'. As far as I know, we cannot do an UPDATE using JOIN in
sqlite, but we can

UPDATE alpha SET frequency = (SELECT frequency FROM beta WHERE
beta.term =

Will the database really be doing a select in beta for
every single line in alpha?

Yes - same as when implementing a join. How do you think a join is
performed - black magic?

Subquery: O(n*log(m)), join: O(n+m). Magic!

How does O(n+m) happen, exactly? A kind of tape merge algorithm, where two lists are traversed in order in parallel? Last time I looked closely at the output of EXPLAIN (which, I admit, was a few years ago), SQLite never attempted anything of the sort. Does it now?

Note also that, when n is much smaller than m (note that the OP mentioned 100K vs several million rows), O(n*log(m)) actually beats O(n+m).
Igor Tandetnik

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