On 10/8/12, Petite Abeille <petite.abei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How do they deal with constraints? triggers? indexes? others?
> If this was as straightforward as a 'create table bar as select a, b, c from
> foo; drop table foo; alter table bar rename to foo;', we would most likely
> not having this conversation :)

I'm sorry for not being more comprehensive in my answer.  Also, as I
pointed out, I can only speak for SQLiteStudio -- there are other
tools; you need to investigate for yourself.

When dropping a column from a table, SQLiteStudio preserves the
original table's primary key, foreign keys, null constraints,
defaults, check constraints, unique constraints, and indexes on
columns other than the one being deleted.  At _least_ that much.  I
confess I've never done an exhaustive exploration of what it preserves
-- I only look for the things I need preserved in my applications.  I
haven't come across anything I need that it doesn't preserve, but I
confess I haven't tried it with triggers or that really powerful SQL92
"others" functionality that you asked about. :)

Honestly, I wouldn't even have recommended SQLiteStudio or tools like
it if my experience was that all it did was "create table bar select
from foo", but I can see it would have made my earlier post more clear
if I had mentioned this from the start.  And, as I said, SQLiteStudio
isn't the only SQLite db manager out there; I suggest that you take
them each for a spin and come to your own conclusions.  But my point
was that there are third party tools that might be able to give you a
robust DROP COLUMN capability -- and maybe other functionality that
SQLite can't do itself -- without your having to reinvent the wheel.

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