On 12 Oct 2012, at 6:00pm, Nico Williams <n...@cryptonector.com> wrote:

> I do think that applications should be able to request deferred
> durability *and* find out when a given transaction has indeed become
> durable.
> A distinction between success and durability in the API might bleed
> into UIs too.  Imagine a web browser interface where "submit" does
> some XHR that causes a DB transaction to be run and committed, the
> page to be updated to show that the transaction succeeded, and
> finally, another XHR is used to find when the transaction is durable
> and the page is then updated again to reflect as much.

That's an interesting idea.  I have a question.  Suppose your program received 
the 'success' result for a transaction and carried on to do other transactions. 
 Later you test to see whether the transaction is durable and find that it 
isn't.  What would be a useful thing to do at that point ?

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