On 15 Oct 2012, at 3:58am, Larry Knibb <la...@knibb.co.uk> wrote:

> On 15 October 2012 10:48, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
>> <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/busy_timeout.html>
> Thanks Simon.
> I'm new to Python so not sure how to call this C API from my Python
> script. http://docs.python.org/library/sqlite3.html doesn't offer the
> answer

You just need to know where to look because the Python interface for SQLite3 is 
weird.  It's an optional second parameter to the sqlite3.connect() routine.

But having found that and read it, the default for Python is 5 seconds, unlike 
the default for SQLite3 which is to immediately present an error.  And if 
Python really is giving you a reasonable timeout like 5 seconds this is 
probably nothing to do with the problem you're getting.

I think you need someone who is more familiar with the 'malformed' error 
indication than I am.  I really can't guess what's faking this response, 
assuming that it is a byproduct of networking and the database really isn't 

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