LMHmedchem <lmh_users-gro...@molconn.com> wrote:
> I have data that I am loading into a sqlite database from a text file. I am
> using a composite primary key for four ints for the main table.
> create table Structure (
>   i1 integer not null,
>   i2 integer not null,
>   i3 integer not null,
>   i4 integer not null,
>   name string not null,
>   filePath string not null,
>   SMILES string not null,
>   formula string not null,
>   fw float not null,
>   primary key (i1, i2, i3, i4)
> )
> For this table, there should be a reasonable syntax to insert and select
> using the composite primary key values to find things. My understanding is
> that the composite key values will be hashed, leading to a fast look up. I
> am not entirely sure of the syntax, but I believe that this is a sound
> structure.

No special syntax, just plain

select * from Structure where i1=:value1 and i2=:value2 and i3=:value3 and 

SQLite is smart enough to use the key for such a query.

Note that "string" doesn't have any special meaning in SQLite; you are creating 
columns with no affinity. It's better to use "text" instead. For details, see 

> There is more data for each record that will go into other tables. The
> question I have is how to best keep the data in the different tables in
> registration, meaning to make sure that I can retrieve all of the data from
> the record from all tables using the same 4 primary key values.

If you have a one-to-one relationship between two tables, is there a reason why 
you don't simply combine the two into a single, wider table?

> I could create the same primary key in every table,
> create table Identifier(
>   i1 integer not null,
>   i2 integer not null,
>   i3 integer not null,
>   i4 integer not null,
>   CSpider string,
>   KEGG string,
>   CAS string,
>   primary key (i1, i2, i3, i4)
> )
> but the notion of having multiple primary keys doesn't seem quite right.

Why is that? Basically, every table needs a primary key, whether composite or 
otherwise. If this tuple of integers is the natural key for your data, I don't 
see a problem.

> It also seems as if there should be a way to record the rowid of where a
> record went in the first table and I should be able to use that to insert
> data from the same record to the same rowid of other tables.

There is - see http://sqlite.org/autoinc.html . Change your table to

create table Structure (
   id integer primary key,
   i1 integer not null,
   i2 integer not null,
   i3 integer not null,
   i4 integer not null,
   unique (i1, i2, i3, i4)

Now, you can insert a record while leaving 'id' column out, and it will be 
automatically assigned a unique integer value, which you can retrieve with 
sqlite3_last_insert_rowid. You can then use that ID when inserting records into 
your "satellite" tables.
Igor Tandetnik

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