Is anybody using the REGEXP operator that is included with the ICU
extension of SQLite?

The reason I ask is that the current ICU REGEXP implementation is broken.
We are wanting to fix it.  But the fix runs a serious risk of breaking any
legacy applications that depend on the old broken behavior.

The brokenness is this:  The ICU REGEXP operator assumes that every pattern
string begins with "^" and ends with "$".  In other words, the pattern must
match the entire string.  This is how LIKE and GLOB work.  But we are
thinking that most users expect a REGEXP pattern to match any substring of
the input, unless the "^" prefix and/or "$" suffix are used.

ICU experts: The fix we want to make is to use uregex_find() instead of

Will any legacy code break if we fix the ICU REGEXP operator to do what
programmers normally expect?

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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