LMHmedchem <lmh_users-gro...@molconn.com> wrote:
> As it happens, some of the text strings that will be added to the database
> have single quotes,
> N,N'-dimethylethylenediamine
> do I need to do anything different for these

Normally, your program shouldn't use string literals directly, but instead uses 
parameterized queries: http://sqlite.org/c3ref/bind_blob.html . Then you don't 
need to worry about single quotes. Obligatory: http://xkcd.com/327/

If for some reason you insist on embedding them directly into queries as 
literals, then, as Simon explained, you should double up each apostrophe, as in 
'N,N''-dimethylethylenediamine'. Doesn't matter how many of them in a row, or 
whether they are in the beginning, end or middle of the string. E.g. if you 
want to insert a three-character string 'x' (including apostrophes), the 
correct string literal is '''x''' (three apostrophes on either side).

SQLite provides a helper function sqlite3_mprintf 
(http://sqlite.org/c3ref/mprintf.html) , which is similar to regular sprintf() 
except that a) it allocates memory for the result, so you don't need to worry 
about sufficient buffer size, and b) it recognizes %q and %Q format specifiers, 
which are like %s but escape single quotes appropriately.
Igor Tandetnik

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