Hi Joe,

Thanks for the excellent reply. Putting SQLite.Interop.dll in my bin\Debug folder solved the problem.

I did read the download page and the faq page, but most of that stuff is gibberish to me and not beginner friendly at all. But all's well that ends well. I created some tables with the Firefox SQLite Manager plug-in and was able to read from them with my C# program.

One thing I'm still curious about are these Visual Studio design components. What are they and how do I access them from VS?

Thanks again,

On 12/3/2012 2:50 AM, Joe Mistachkin wrote:
William Drago wrote:
1) I'm not really sure how to install SQLite.  I downloaded
sqlite-netFx40-setup-x86-2010- and ran setup.
Installing System.Data.SQLite is only necessary if you need the
Visual Studio design-time components.

Is that all it takes?

That depends on how the final application is to be deployed.

There's an FAQ that says not to run setup, just copy all files
to a folder called "Externals."

Did you read the information on the download page?  It provides
some helpful details on how the System.Data.SQLite assemblies are
intended to be used in the development environment and deployed
to end-user environments.

What's setup for then?

It's primarily designed to install the Visual Studio design-time
components; however, there are certain other very rare special
cases where it's useful as well.

Did I botch the install?

Unlikely.  And you should be able to uninstall it later if you
find it is not necessary.

BTW, test.exe works fine.

That's good.

2) My program compiles successfully, but does not run; the
following error message is displayed: "Unable to load DLL
'SQLite.Interop.dll': The specified module could not be
found." The FAQ's regarding this issue make no sense to me.

The "SQLite.Interop.dll" file contains the native code for
SQLite.  The "System.Data.SQLite.dll" contains the managed
code for the ADO.NET provider and loads the other file at
runtime.  In order for this to work successfully, it must
be able to locate that file at runtime, which means the
"SQLite.Interop.dll" file must reside in the binary
directory itself or in the architecture-specific
sub-directory therein.  The download page also covers this
setup in more detail.

I'm exhausted, frustrated, and now wondering if SQLite is as
easy to setup and use as the website implies.

SQLite itself has no setup whatsoever; however, given the
nature of the .NET Framework, some effort is required to get
all the System.Data.SQLite components talking together.

What's going to happen when I try to distribute this

This is also discussed (in great detail) on the download page:


Joe Mistachkin

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