On 01/02/2013 11:03 AM, Marco ten Thije wrote:
On 01/02/2013 10:04 AM, Dan Kennedy wrote:
What series of commands did you pass to 3.7.5 to create
this file?
This file was copied from an existing product which uses QT 4.7 libraries to populate the database. I cannot reproduce the exact commands which resulted in this file, because it is populated dynamically by the

I found out that QT 4.7 is using the 3.6.19 SQLite library. The databases were created using the 3.7.5 version, so you were right about this. The database is created with a 3.7.5 version and populated with 3.6.19

I did some more testing and found out that the backup database which SQLite 3.7.5 reports to be corrupted, is reported OK by SQLite 3.6.19, although this backup was created by the 3.7.5 SQLite version.

I created a ASCII dump (using the .dump command) of the backup database using 3.6.19 and this dump is identical (except for the 'PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF') to a dump of the original database.

So it looks like SQLITE 3.7.5 and (and probably all versions in between) have a problem reading the backup file,
while 3.6.19 can read it.

I have stored a copy of the original database on http://www.cbbio.nl/sqlite/energy.sqlite for further analysing


Marco ten Thije

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