On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 2:36 PM, <roystonja...@comcast.net> wrote:

> String Data = "INSERT INTO friend(name, address, age)
> VALUES('John','Anywhere here','25')";
> How would you actually pull the VALUES from variables and use them.  A
> complete example will be very helpful.

Google for "sqlite3_bind example" and you'll find many examples. You'll
also need to read up on "sqlite3_prepare()" and "sqlite3_prepare_v2()",
both described in detail at:


In the _abstract_ it looks like:

statement = prepare("INSERT INTO t(a,b,c) VALUES(?,?,?)");
bind( statement, 1, "foo" );
bind( statement, 2, "bar" );
bind( statement, 3, 32 );

And the above pages reveal the exact syntax/APIs to use.

Note that the "String" class shown above is platform-specific and won't be
understood by the C API - it uses (char const *) and (unsigned char const

There are a number of C++ wrappers out there. AFAIK none of them are
"official", but here's the one i currently use/maintain:


----- stephan beal
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