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On 08/02/13 06:01, abbood wrote:
> i tried using the memory diagnostics tools in Xcode/Instruments --
> Zombies, GuardMalloc, and Malloc Stack Logging.. but they didn't tell
> me much.. i'm assuming valgrind is better?

They are fairly lightweight and only catch the more simple errors.
valgrind is perfect - it runs your application in such a way that every
single access (read or write) of any byte is tracked as well as the status
of every byte of memory.  This makes things run considerably slower, but
the resulting notifications are top notch.

> i took a sneak peak at valgrind.. and it looked really complicated.. is
> it?

Not in my opinion, and no matter what this is the only tool that will help
you so you'll just have to figure it out.  You just run your app prefixed
with valgrind.  eg if you did this:

  $ myapp arg1 arg2

Then you do this:

  $ valgrind myapp arg1 arg2

It is recommended you compile your app with debugging. Chances are highly
likely that you will then be shown your issue.  It is possible for some
issues to be missed.  One example is that after memory is freed it is kept
in a pool for a while, and then released for reuse making it valid again.
 I have a massive pool so memory is not reused with the option (5GB pool):


I also care about memory leaks which valgrind will show on exit.  These
options cause it to show a lot of detail:

  --leak-check=full --leak-resolution=high --show-reachable=yes

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