I need some clarifications on this issue. Here is a simplified example.
There is a table:
CREATE TABLE t(id integer primary key, data integer);
and a (simplified) view:
CREATE VIEW v as SELECT * FROM "t" order by id;

I included the "order by" in view because it's meant for some end-users and I wanted to avoid mistakes. BUT I queried the view myself; I wanted to also be "safe" and included another "order by":

explain query plan SELECT * FROM "v" order by id;

As one can see, the plan uses 2 scans and an extra sort (btree)!! Which can be very expensive, of course...
I could find the following:
- if I query the view w/o "order by", it works as expected (uses primary key) - if I define the view w/o "order by", and use "order by" in query, it also works as expected - if I use the query with "order by rowid" (instead of id), the query plan is a little different; it has 2 scans, but it doesn't use a temporary btree anymore

As a summary, it seems that having multiple "order by" disturbs the query builder; of course, I expected the "optimizer" to recognize that i was the same order and avoid extra sorting.
Am I doing a mistake??


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