On 26 Feb 2013, at 7:39am, dd <durga.d...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>> SELECT * FROM emp WHERE column_test BETWEEN "somedata/" AND
>>> "somedata/zzz"
>   This database has unicode strings(chinese/japanese/...etc strings). can
> you tell me which is the correct character to replace with z?

Ah.  There you have a problem because internally SQLite does not handle 
language support within Unicode characters.  I'm going to let someone with 
SQLite/Unicode expertise answer this one, but it may be that with Unicode even 
your LIKE command would not have worked properly and you should use something 

SELECT * FROM emp WHERE substr(column_test,1,9) = 'somedata/'

Which will slower because it will not be able to use an index for optimization. 
 But it might be faster than the LIKE because using a regexp for matching seems 
likely to me to be slower than substr().

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