I have a question about user defined function.

When I make user defined function, that function has argument count and
values only.
Is there any way that I can recognize there arguments are generated from
dynamic binding (ex: "?") or static string?

For following examples, there are two different cases.

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myFunc(col1, "test string");

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myFunc(col1, ?);

As you can see here, second parameter is changed.
But, myFunc() gets same values for each case.

For more information,
I just made some functions that handling files path.
But, if file name includes "Special characters(ex: '"') " or "Unicode" and
it is used for myFunc()
then it makes "Syntax error" error code and execution is failed.
What I want to do is to make an "WARNING" message if parameter is not
dynamic binding value for developers who would use myFunc().

Best regards,
Yongil Jang.
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