   I am writing code to support a new database .. very very simple DB using the 
LSM library from sqlite4. 

The runtime environment uses multiple threads to access/update the database.
I have compiled the library with -pthreads and DSQLITE4_THREADSAFE=1.

I have observed that, using the same DB handle (lsm_db *), reads always return 
the same pointer.  This is true even though I use differing lsm_cursors.

I am also seeing occasional random "memory fault"s.  I ran the lsmtest from the 
sqlite4 source tree over the w/e and got a "memory fault" running oom2_lsm_1.

SO ... questions:-

1. How ready for prime-time is the lsm DB library?
2. Has the memory fault been seen by others?
3. Is the lsm DB library really thread-safe?
4. Is there a mailing list/forum/wiki devoted to sqlite4?

Cheers(for now!!)


Pete Hilton

sqlite-users mailing list

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