
The command you entered, starting with dot, are sqlite shell commands, i.e. if 
you need similar functionality, you either

* need to check SQLite C/C++ API documentation for a fucntion 
* need to implement your own function

 From: Maxime Gerum <pilot....@hotmail.fr>
To: "sqlite-users@sqlite.org" <sqlite-users@sqlite.org> 
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:01 AM
Subject: [sqlite] Fw: problem sqlite3 c++ please

Hello, i’m french, sorry if i make errors of langage

In my school project, i use sqlite3 with c++, i can make any request such as 
create table or select *from, no problems.

But i would export my database in a csv file, in sqlite3> .mode csv

                   .separator ,

                   .output client.csv

                   select *from client;

it works, but in c++, if i make request[4]= ”.mode csv”

“.separator ,”

”.output client.csv”

“select *from client”

only select *from client works,

i have an error : near ”.” : syntax error

Please help me,


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