
During our work on a distributed processing system (which uses SQLite shards), we have hit the SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED limit of attached DBs.

The way we use SQLite for distributed processing [*], is the following:
- Each table is sharded into multiple SQLite DBs on different nodes of the cluster. - To process a query, we run on each shard a query which produces multiple sharded SQLite result DBs. - We redistribute in the cluster the result DBs, and the next set of cluster nodes, attaches all the input shard SQLite DBs, and it creates a temp view that unions all the input DB shards into a single view.
 - It then executes a query on the views that produces new result DB shards
 - and so on

We recently got access to a cluster of 64 nodes and it is very easy now to hit the SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED limit (1 DB shard gets produced per node).

So the question that i have is:

Is there any way to go beyond the SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED limit for *read only* attached DBs?

Also is there anyway for SQLite to create an automatic index on a view (or Virtual Table), without having to first materialize the view (or VT)?

Thanks in advance.

Lefteris Stamatogiannakis.

[*] The same processing ideas are used in hadapt:


which uses Postgres for the DB shards.
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