
I'd like to check my assumptions. After preparing a statement using
the v2 interface, which functions are guaranteed to return the same
values for that statement instance? These are the ones that I'm
interested in at the moment:

sqlite3_bind_parameter_name (for all 0 < i <= parameter_count)
sqlite3_column_name (for all 0 <= i < column_count)
sqlite3_column_decltype (for all 0 <= i < column_count)

I assume that parameter functions will return the same values since
those are extracted from the SQL text. How do the column functions
behave if there is a schema change and the statement is recompiled?

I did a quick test where I prepared a query (SELECT * FROM x), started
its execution, added another column to the same table, then executed
the next step. My guess is that the v2 interface should have
recompiled the query, but the column count didn't change (which is
good for me, because I'm trying to cache some of these values). Using
the v1 interface didn't result in SQLITE_SCHEMA error, so I'm not sure
if I tested the right thing.

- Max
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