If you open SQLite db by SQLLite plugin in Android,
you must look in plugin source to found your problem.

The bug was there because there is always 1 db opened for time end db
opened is always the last opened

if you try
sqlite3_open16 (“db1.db”, db_1);  // open first
sqlite3_open16 (“db2.db”, db_2);  // open second
when I INSERT some data into db_1, data is actually inserted into db_2  //
this query is executed on db2.db

if you redo:
sqlite3_open16 (“db1.db”, db_1);  // open first
and you run query:  "Select * from Table_on_db1"   // this query is always
executed on db2.db because the plugin do not reopen a database that was
just open

i haved maked a simply workaround into plugin that close the opened db then
re-open it

after workaround into plugin, my query are similar to:

 sqlite3_open16 (“db1.db”, db_1);  // open first
tx.executesql( ...query1 on db1...)  //
tx.executesql( ...query2 on db1..)  //
tx.executesql( ...query3 on db1..)  //

sqlite3_open16 (“db2.db”, db_2);  // open second
tx.executesql( ...query1 on db2...)  //
 tx.executesql( ...query2 on db2..)  //

 sqlite3_open16 (“db1.db”, db_1);  // re-open first
tx.executesql( ...query4 on db1...)  //
tx.executesql( ...query5 on db1..)  //
but if if I could perform to do "ATTACH DATABASE ...." command everything
would be much simpler by id don't find nothing in this way
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