We are using SQLite 3.7.17

2013/8/13 Sqlite Dog <sqlite...@gmail.com>

> What is a best way to detect that query does full table scan? Considering
> this (from http://www.sqlite.org/eqp.html ):
> "Warning: The data returned by the EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN command is intended
> for interactive debugging only. It may change dramatically between SQLite
> releases. Applications should not depend on the results of an EXPLAIN QUERY
> PLAN command."
> Is it enough (and reliable) to search detail column of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN
> for "SCAN TABLE%" and (if found) presume that query does full scan?
> The problem. We have a very large table with a lot of quering. So we came
> along with 4 complex covering indices and want to prohibit queries that
> does not supply enough values to avoid full scanning.
> --
> Regards,
> SqliteDog support team

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