On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 2:43 AM, Jared Albers <jalb...@mymail.mines.edu>wrote:

> On my machine, when using relatively short table names like
> `TABLE_{table #}`, creation of a database with 10,000 tables takes
> approximately 14 seconds. These table names vary from 7 to a max of 11
> characters.
> When using relatively long table names like `TABLE_{table #}_{some
> unique identifying name that adds 120 or so characters}`, creation of
> a database with 10,000 tables takes approximately 60 seconds.
> Creating the database with long table names took over 4 times longer!

Have you tried putting your CREATE TABLE statements inside a transaction?

14 sec seems quite slow. Unlike Oracle*, DDL statements in SQLite do not
imply a commit.
Unless you do not put them in a TX, in which case you COMMIT 10,000x times
in your case.

It could be dramatically faster with a TX. Just my $0.02. --DD
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