Hi Guys,

I have hit a new problem and would like some advice if there's a way around it.

Error: near line 2: out of memory

Basically, I have a table with 291 columns, 1.5 million rows. 288 columns have numeric values, additionally there is an itenid and day. I want to use SQL to basically do count(Vn), avg(Vn), sum(Vn) and then group by itenid and daytype (daytype comes from a mapping of day--> daytype from a different table).

* Table has 291 columns
* There are about 50,000 unique itemid and the day runs from 1 - 31.
* The dump with count, avg, sum would have 288 x 3 + a couple of other columns
* day --> daytype mapping results in 3 different daytypes

So, we are doing averages, counts, sum on 288 columns and grouping the data from 5 - 20 rows each to generate 1 statistics row (itemid, daytype). These would eventually result into 50,000 x 3 results. Currently, I am trying to do this a limit 1 and it's already giving me the out of memory error.

This is based on using sqlite3.exe downloaded from the sqlite3 shell version 3.7.4.

So, the questions are:
* Am I doing something wrong?
* What can I change?
* Is there a setting that I could change?
* Am I just asking SQLite for a calculation that naturally needs a lot of memory and I just need to think of restructuring it in some way.

Best Regards,

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