
I have been thinking about a question on stackoverflow (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19236363/select-distinct-faster-than-group-by), where some SQL framework removes duplicates from results using GROUP BY instead of DISTINCT. I don't want to discuss that this might not be a good idea. However, the core of that problem is the creation of temp b-trees when using ORDER BY ... DESC after GROUP BY. I wondered if the construction of a temp b-tree in the third query is intentional / by design?

I am using sqlite 3.8.1.

sqlite> PRAGMA legacy_file_format=OFF;

sqlite> create table test1 (x INTEGER);
sqlite> create index test1_idx on test1(x);
sqlite> explain query plan select x from test1 group by x order by x;
selectid    order       from        detail
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 SCAN TABLE test1 USING COVERING INDEX test1_idx

create table test2 (x INTEGER);
sqlite> create index test2_idx on test2(x);
sqlite> explain query plan select x from test2 group by x order by x desc;
selectid    order       from        detail
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 SCAN TABLE test2 USING COVERING INDEX test2_idx
0           0           0           USE TEMP B-TREE FOR ORDER BY

create table test3 (x INTEGER);
sqlite> create index test3_idx on test3(x desc);
sqlite> explain query plan select x from test3 group by x order by x desc;
selectid    order       from        detail
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 SCAN TABLE test3 USING COVERING INDEX test3_idx
0           0           0           USE TEMP B-TREE FOR ORDER BY

To double check:

sqlite> explain query plan select x from test3 order by x desc;
selectid    order       from        detail
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 SCAN TABLE test3 USING COVERING INDEX test3_idx

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