Hi, Joe,

Now, it's been years since I've touched VBScript, but I think the syntax of
attributing the connection string to the Open method is wrong.  You should
probably use

objConn.Open "Provider=System.Data.SQLite; Data

or (better)

objConn.Open("Provider=System.Data.SQLite; Data

If that doesn't work, try doubling the backslashes
("C:\\DATA\\SQLLite\\mydb.db3") in case the ADO.NET connection is reparsing
the connection string allowing C-style escapes.

Let me know if that helps,


On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 5:41 AM, Joe Fuller <melnj...@optusnet.com.au>wrote:

> Hi,
> Hope someone can help.
> I’m trying t access sqllite database via vbscript.
> I don’t want to use odbc just ado.net.
> I’ve downloaded the and installed ado.net driver for .net 3.5 from this
> site  <http://system.data.sqlite.org/index.html/logo>
> http://system.data.sqlite.org
> Both 64 and 32 bit versions but I cannot get it to work in my script.
> This is the sort of thing I’ve tried.
> Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
> objConn.Open = "Provider=System.Data.SQLite; Data
> Source=C:\DATA\SQLLite\mydb.db3"
> I get the error “Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly
> installed”
> How can I confirm the driver is properly installed?
> And
> Is my syntax correct?
> Can anyone help?
> Suggest other drivers? Anything?
> Thanks.
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