This makes sense now, thanks.

D. Richard Hipp, are there any plans to make this more robust in the future, so 
reading/writing a corrupt database (with no -journal file available) will 
return an *error* instead of causing further damage?

One idea: A "flag" could be added to the main database file to indicate that it 
has a corresponding -journal file. If it has the flag but no -journal file 
exists, that would be an error. To add the flag, Mac OS X has extended 
attributes. Not necessarily available on all filesystems, but a nice protection 
against corruption where available.

What do you think? Possible? Impossible?

> From:
> Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 17:30:01 -0500
> To:
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Concrete example of corruption
> On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 5:15 PM, L. Wood <> wrote:
>> Thanks, that makes sense.
>> But I can pretty much rule this case out. In my case, it's highly unlikely
>> that the folder would be moved during the brief instant between _open() and
>> the actual opening of the "-journal" file.
>> Are there other possible cases of corruption?
> (1) Process A opens database at /first/path/to/database.db
> (2) The directory is renamed to /second/path/to/database.db
> (3) Process B begins writing to the database, creating a rollback journal
> at /second/path/to/database.db-journal
> (4) Process B crashes without committing or rolling back.
> (5) Process A tries to read the database. It checks for a hot journal
> file at /first/path/to/database.db-journal, finds none (since the hot
> journal is now in a different place) and therefore does not know that it
> needs to recover the database file. It sees the database as being corrupt.
> Or if A tries to write to the database, it makes the corruption worse, such
> that even a third process that does see the hot journal is no longer able
> to recover.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp
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