Warren wrote 4 dec 2013:

| There are tiny corners of the programming world (FP) where this is not the 
case, but then you get  into 
|   questions of purity, and databases are about as far from side-effect-free 
as you can get.

That's a wee bit exaggerated, but who am I to start a discussion; it's a valid, 
even respectable opinion

| Anyway, all this arguing over how SQLite *should* behave seems misguided to 
me.  What 
|   matters is how SQL is specified.  SQLite should follow the spec in areas 
like this.

Not even this me seems. The developers of SQLite can choose not to "obey" 
rules, advices and guidelines of SQL standard at will if one of the three guys, 
one of us users feels it's appropriate and fits their philosophy better or for 
whatever reason even rewrite (some of) the standard and create a new or adapted 
version = skipping, changibg adding things =  let's call it SQL13 (14 etc) or a 
less prozaic name. What about iSQL or SQLNT?  ;-) 

Klaas `Z4us` V

The fun with standards is there are so many to choose from
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