I'm working on a tough project that requires me to use Node.js and SQLite. I'm building a database with SQLite version 3.8.2.

My question is, would purchasing the book "Using Sqlite" by Jay Kreibich still be mostly pertinent to SQLite 3.8.x features? Would it be helpful in the context how Node.js is used? I realize that Mr. Kreibich was writing the book and bringing it to publication just as Node.js was being invented in 2009.

Does anyone know if this book will be updated?

Or is there a different book title I should look at?

Right now, my major difficulties seem to be in my own grasp of asynchronous programming. It is my own deficient grasp of the logic problems that are biting me; I need to "get it" and understand Node style programming. An example is: I need to insert two rows to an SQLite table, but because I'm using non-blocking interface software to do the actual inserts, and I'm probably using that software incorrectly, only one insert is being done.


Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA

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