Op 24 jan 2014, om 14:31 heeft Richard Hipp het volgende geschreven:

Please see http://www.sqlite.org/draft/lang_with.html for draft
documentation of the new Common Table Expression implementation for SQLite
3.8.3.  Comments, criticism, and typo-corrections are appreciated.

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

Hello, I like to give some feedback.

The LIMIT clause in the 2nd example is written at the end of the line and it looks as if it only applies to the last part of the UNION . This looks sneaky as it applies after the union. It looks better if LIMIT is wriiten on a new line.

The text about recursion sais:
"""The "select-stmt" after the AS keyword must be  ..."""
I checked this in the current draft (of 23 01 2014) and it does not matter if the recursive statement comes right after te AS keyword, or if there other (recursive or non-recursive) statements that come first.

As hoped, the RECURSIVE keyword is there only for compatibility. We can leave it out if we don't care about it.

The sudoku example uses a recursive definition for the DIGITS enumeration. The version using VALUES (of Big Stone?) is still much faster. Is there any hint to convert a view like DIGITS to a temporary table that it is generated only once?

Finally congratulations for the improved speed. Sudoku is FOUR times faster as in last weeks version!

Thanks very much, Edzard.

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