On 2/4/2014 5:51 PM, Yuriy Kaminskiy wrote:
Igor Tandetnik wrote:
On 2/4/2014 11:57 AM, Yuriy Kaminskiy wrote:
Phew. Do you speak C? Enjoy.

      printf("insert...\r"); fflush(stdout);
      for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
     rc = sqlite3_bind_int(ins_sth, 1, i);
     assert(rc == SQLITE_OK);
     rc = sqlite3_step(ins_sth);
     assert(rc == SQLITE_DONE);

As expected, I get an assertion here, on 925th iteration of the loop.
Are you seeing something different?

Yes. I see only 10-second pauses on 252th, 364th, etc iterations, and *no*
assertion failures.

Well, what I'm seeing is definitely different from what you are seeing.

What version of SQLite are you running? What does sqlite3_libversion return?
Igor Tandetnik

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