From: Ed Tenholder 
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2014 1:44 PM
To: ''
Subject: Need Help with Golf Handicap Calculation

I’m just trying to learn SQL, and after lots of google  searches and reading 
posts on this email list, I’ve gotten pretty close.

Table:      CREATE TABLE Scores (ScoreID Integer Primary Key,ScoreDate 
Text,Player Text,CourseName Text,TeeName Text,Score Integer,Rating Real,Slope 

Query:  SELECT MAX(ScoreDate),AVG((Score-Rating)*(113.0/Slope))*.96 FROM 
(SELECT * FROM  (SELECT * FROM (SELECT ScoreDate,Score,Rating,Slope FROM Scores 
WHERE Player="Joe Smith" ORDER BY ScoreDate ASC LIMIT 3) ORDER BY ScoreDate 
DESC LIMIT 20) ORDER BY (Score-Rating)*(113.0/Slope) ASC LIMIT 10)

Result:  MAX(ScoreDate)        AVG((Score-Rating)*(113.0/Slope))*.96


• Select the oldest N scores     (3 in the example above)
• From that, select the 20 newest scores
• From that, select the 10 lowest handicap-indexes:      
• Return the lowest ScoreDate and the average of the handicap-indexes 
multiplied by .96   

The first SELECT is there because I am going to execute this query iteratively, 
substituting   for the “3”,    from 1 to the count of total records   (so I can 
create a chart of the change in handicap over time)

The flaw is that the ScoreDate that is returned is the oldest date in the 
lowest 10 records, and what I need is the oldest date in the most recent 20 
records (from the sub-query).

I cannot figure out how to do this without breaking up the query   using temp 
tables  (which I can do, but I am interested in learning more about SQL and I’m 
sure there must be a way to do this  (if you can solve Soduko puzzles!)

Thanks for any help,

     Ed t.
sqlite-users mailing list

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