
probably was discussed and modified before, but I still can not understand
some peculiarities with random column values.

The table
  Create table [TestTable] ([id] integer primary key)

populated with 100 default values (thanks to CTE now made with a single

with recursive
  autoinc(id) as
     (values(1) UNION ALL Select id+1 from autoinc where id < 100)
insert into TestTable select id from autoinc

So the following query

select id, (select id from TestTable where id = abs(random() % 100)) as
rndid from TestTable where id=rndid

returns a single row (as expected), but this row contains different values
for id and rndid. I suppose this is because rndid to be shown is calculated
once, but the one used for comparison is calculated again and again. Is
this correct behavior?

Also checked several dll versions and saw that this change appeared
somewhere between 3.6.13 and 3.6.16, so .13 showed identical values, while
.16 different.

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