Please consider adding an error and warning log ( to your program to record any errors
that SQLite might be encountering.

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 4:15 PM, Geo Wil <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Yesterday, while working on my game, I noticed that my game data was not
> updating in my save SQLite3 database.  So I started tracking down what was
> going on and eventually my search lead me to my dData function.
> How this function works is that you pass a table name and a bool, the bool
> is just there in case errors happen to notify the player.  I did exhaustive
> tests yesterday on this block of code and found that it was not functioning
> properly, it was not deleting the data from my tables.
> I checked to see if sqlite3_step was producing an error but it was sending
> back a value of 101 or SQLITE_DONE but the table data remained unchanged.
> I also commented out the code I use to replace the deleted data just to
> make sure the data retrieval code was not at fault.  With just the dData
> call and nothing else the data still would not delete from the table.
> Here is the code I am using for my dData function:
> void Database::dData(string table, bool* bErrors)
> {
>     sqlStr2 = "Delete From " + table;
>     sqlite3_exec(dBase,"BEGIN TRANSACTION",NULL,NULL,&error);
>     if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(dBase, sqlStr2.c_str(), sqlStr2.size(),
> &statement2, 0) == SQLITE_OK)
>     {
>         sqlite3_step(statement2);
>         *bErrors = false;
>         finalize(statement2, bErrors);
>     }
>     else
>     {
>         *bErrors = true;
>         createBInfo();
>         d.createBReport("SQL Code 3",sqlite3_errmsg(dBase),bLocale +
> to_string(__LINE__),bTDate,"./SC_Log.txt");
>     }
>     sqlite3_exec(dBase,"END TRANSACTION",NULL,NULL,&error);
> }
> I am also going to link to my save database in case it itself is to blame
> although I tested this on several different files with the same results.
> I already have posted about this on StackOverflow and so far everyone that
> has attempted to figure this out has been stumped.  I am using Microsoft
> Visual Studio 2012 and C++.
> Thanks.
> --
> "I though what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those Deaf-Mutes...Or
> should I?" -- Laughing Man
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> Laughing Man Productions² Entertainment and Gaming
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